
Kyle Covey, pt, dpt

Physical Therapist

  • Board Certified Sports Physical Therapist
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach
  • USA Weightlifting Certified Coach
  • Educator and Mentor


Steve Carlin, pt, dpt

Founder & Physical Therapist

  • Former Miami Marlins Head Physical Therapist
  • Upper Extremity Athlete Fellowship: Kansas City Royals & ATI Physical Therapy 2016 - 2017
  • Orthopedic Residency - Ironman Sports Medicine Institute Houston, TX 2015 - 2016
  • Board Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist


Amanda Driskill

Front Office Coordinator

  • Certified Healthcare Access Administrator
  • More than 15 years experience in billing, health insurance, and claims


Our Story

ECHO SPORTS Physical Therapy was established in 2020 to provide Central Oklahoma with advanced sports medicine and performance training services found at the professional sports level.  

After working several years as a physical therapist  for the Miami Marlins and Kansas City Royals, Steve Carlin returned to his hometown of Edmond to launch Echo Sports. As a former division 1 athlete who underwent elbow surgery with extensive PT, Steve wanted to provide Oklahoma with a modern, alternative option geared towards high performers.

Echo was subsequently formed with the goal of providing athletes with the proper facilities and expert level care to train at the highest level.  Echo Sports has helped athletes of all levels - from Olympians to youth to weekend warriors- achieve peak performance.

While Echo serves as a hub for athlete rehabilitation and performance training, it is also comprised of experienced Physical Therapists actively involved in research, fellowship & residency education, and Doctorate of Physical Therapy training. We aim to provide the most advanced, modern experience by being at the front of clinical education & the latest research.

What We Believe

We believe in an active approach that matches the needs of the active individual
We believe in empowering and challenging our patients
We believe that movement is medicine

Our Location
